The Tree Conference is structured to be a networking event for local representatives of national organisations, local green enterprise and method based projects in the Somerset area.
All the projects listed below are invited to be present at the conference and provide opportunities for you to meet them, get involved and learn from what they are doing.
They also provide templates of how you can work in your region to support regeneration of land, working with local and national groups, ideas and inspiration. The re-greening of our Earth and regeneration of our soils is going to involve all of us in the uniquely personal ways we feel drawn to work.
Working with the local town council’s Neighbourhood Plan is a fantastic example of a way of working with your local community, consulting multiple stakeholders on strategy and wording policy for future projects that, when properly assessed then voted for by the community, enshrines your vision in law.
Gerard Tucker and many others have worked tirelessly to create Glastonbury’s Neighbourhood Plan that fairly and properly represents the needs of local biodiversity, canopy cover in built up areas, wildlife corridors and brings in local projects and citizens to balance the needs of everyone.